
Your weapon must become an extension of your hand and arm.  It should replace your finger in pointing at an object.  A firm, uniform grip must be used.  Proper grip is one of the most important factors in being able to place multiple shots on your target, quickly.

One-hand grip:
To establish a good grip, form a "V" with the thumb and index finger of your firing hand.  Place the weapon in the V with the front and rear sights in line with your firing arm.  Wrap the lower three fingers of your firing hand around the pistol grip, putting equal pressure with all three fingers to the rear.  Allow the thumb of the firing hand to rest alongside the weapon without pressure.  Grip the weapon tightly until your hand begins to tremble, then relax until the trembling stops.  At this point, you have applied the necessary pressure for a proper grip.  Place the trigger finger on the trigger between the tip and first joint so that it can be squeezed rearward.  When firing, your trigger finger must work independently of the other fingers.


Two-hand grip:
Using both hands allows the shooter to steady the firing hand and provide maximum support during firing.  Two-handed grips are recommended whenever possible for all handgun firing.
To use a two-handed grip, first put your firing hand on your weapon as described above.  Then put the thumb of your non-firing hand together with the thumb of your firing hand and wrap the fingers of your non-firing hand around the fingers of your firing hand.

Do not place the non-firing thumb in the rear of the weapon.  If you do, the recoil of the weapon, especially semi-autos, could result in personal injury.


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